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IP: 5202f81 | 01/21 12:02 Atsakyti
La Form
01/21 01:24

Nelabai supratau prie ko čia patogus vairas ir Hamiltono veiksmai sta... skaityti daugiau

Galvojau ten pas ji sankaba toj vietoj
La Form
IP: 05a7445 | 01/21 01:24 Atsakyti
Nelabai supratau prie ko čia patogus vairas ir Hamiltono veiksmai starto metu.

Fans have noticed the seven-time World Driver's Champion does not hold both the handles with either hand but instead has his left hand at the top.
Despite Hamilton's elite status, it appears to be a technique that no other driver on the grid has decided to adopt.
It is a technique deployed only at the start of a race before he takes a more convenitonal grip.
Mercedes mechanic informs fans that is to avoid a gear shift disaster at a crucial point of the race.
„What you don't want to do is accidentally go down a gear so If you put your hand there, you can't go down a gear.“

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