2014 gandai

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2014 Gegužės 07 d. 13:24

Vokiečių "Welt" laikraštis praneša, kad Rusijos GP šiemet nebus ir juos pakeis Azerbaidžano GP.

2014 Gegužės 08 d. 22:23

Ross Brawn has played down the significance of a visit to the Ferrari factory in Maranello on Monday.
The trip has led to speculation that he could return to Ferrari, where he was technical director in the team's dominant period in the early 2000s.
Brawn, 59, told BBC Sport he was there "with a group of friends as part of a tour of Italy - no more than that!"
He left his role as Mercedes team principal in December and is taking time off while deciding on his future.

The incredi*** career of Ross Brawn
A Ferrari spokesman also said Brawn's visit was "simply an Italian fantasy tour with friends scheduled for some time".
Brawn said the group tried out two Ferrari road cars, including the new LaFerrari hypercar, at Ferrari's Fiorano test track.
He said his trip was focused on visiting some of the route used by the historic Mille Miglia race across Italy "and as many vineyards as possi***".
Talking to Italy's Gazzetta Dello Sport newspaper, he added that his visit to Ferrari was "out in the open".
Ferrari are in a period of some turmoil after a disappointing start to the season following the introduction of new rules.
The car has been off the pace of the dominant Mercedes - the development of which was led by Brawn - and Stefano Domenicali resigned as team principal following a poor race in Bahrain last month, in which Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen finished ninth and 10th.
Domenicali has been replaced by Marco Mattiacci, the former head of Ferrari's North American road-car division who is a protege of the top management of parent company Fiat.
Alonso lies third in the drivers' championship behind Mercedes' Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton after taking the team's first podium position of the season in the last race in China following improvements to the car.

And technical director James Allison insists Ferrari do still not know the true potential of their 2014 car, the F14 T.
"We are learning how to get performance out of this new set of regulations and hopefully to make this car more competitive," Allison said.
"The key to a successful season is to keep improving your car at every race.
"If we can do that, bringing a meaningful amount of performance to every one of those races, we will keep seeing steps forward. And that will define what is the true F14 T, not just one single race."
Raikkonen has been struggling to adapt to the car and off Alonso's pace so far this season, but Allison said he expected to see some improvement from the Finn soon.
"With Fernando we've seen an extraordinary level of performance, scavenging every possi*** point at every possi*** opportunity," Allison said.
"Kimi is working extremely well with the team, collaborating with the engineers, helping us to drive this car forwards. He has class written all over him and, in a very short space of time, I'm sure we will also see the results of that on the track." Tik šiaip Rosas apsilankė Maranelo.

2014 Gegužės 10 d. 20:29

Sebaštjenas Fetelis gavo 5 poziciju(gearbox) baudą

2014 Gegužės 11 d. 19:00

Newey į Ferrarius jau 2015


2014 Gegužės 14 d. 16:14

Ne tiek gandai, kiek idomi info is Smedley apie vejo tuneliu palyginimus Ferrari ir Williams:

"At Williams, the correlation between the wind tunnel and the track is amazing."

"Compared to my previous experience, it is something that has impressed me. Everything we take to the track ends up on the car, so it (the car) really does improve from race to race," added Smedley.

2014 Gegužės 14 d. 19:57


2014 Gegužės 14 d. 21:18

slcf1, ačiū, kad pasidalinai. Įdomu buvo paskaityt :)

2014 Gegužės 17 d. 15:27


MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS per šią savaitę vykusius bandymus, išbandė išmetimo sistemos patobulinimus, skirtus V6 variklio skleidžiamam garsui padidinti.

2014 Gegužės 17 d. 16:48

Prie ko cia dbr Mersu "garsiakalbis" ir 2014 gandai?

2014 Gegužės 17 d. 17:18

Macazar>>> Apie tai jau buvo rasyta sioje svetaineje.

2014 Gegužės 20 d. 12:21

Maldonado F-1 karjera greitai baigsis. Galbut net nepasibaigus sezonui.

Until now, the 29-year-old Venezuelan's formula one career has been powered by state millions, through the oil company PDVSA and the personal backing of president Hugo Chavez.

Chavez, however, died last year, preceding a period of intense political turmoil, and at the same time PDVSA's ploughing of state millions into Williams and Lotus was already highly controversial within Venezuela.

Now, Venezuela has a new sports minister, Antonio Alvarez, who has indicated this week that motor racing is being totally cut from the country's list of priorities.

"I know I'm going to win a lot of enemies," he is quoted by Venezuela's Ultimas Noticias.

"But there will be not one more dollar for motor racing. Venezuelan sport has other priorities, and it would be unfair to use state resources for disciplines that are not in line with the development of the country," said Alvarez.

2014 Gegužės 20 d. 14:21

About time. Esam matę lėtų ir prastų pilotų. Maldonado į atskirą kategoriją pakliūva. Jis tiesiog yra blogas pilotas. Ir kai sakau "blogas" turiu omeny ryškų skirtumą tarp "nebūti geru" ir "būti blogu", jis būtent yra blogas pilotas. Galbūt prasčiausias savo kartos pilotas.

2014 Gegužės 20 d. 15:45

Yra tikimybė, kad kitais metais į F1 grįš Prancūzijos GP. Lenktynės vėl būtų rengiamos Magny-Cours trasoje.

2014 Gegužės 20 d. 17:52

Helis>> Nesutikčiau. Pilotas tikrai turi gryno greičio, tiesiog dažnai nesusitvarko su charakteriu. Manau, kad prieš porą metų Grožanas buvo daug prastesnėje situacijoje nei šiuo metu Maldonado. Bet jam pavyko susitvarkyti su psichologija ir pamatėme tikrai puikius rezultatus. O Maldonado niekada negalės būti laikomas "prasčiausiu savo kartos lenktynininku" vien dėl statistikos - jis turi iškovojęs vieną pergalę. Ir ta pergalė tikrai nebuvo lengva ar netyčinė.

2014 Gegužės 20 d. 23:22

Taip, tas tiesa, vyrukas paprasčiausiai turi psichologinių problemų, bet tikrai nemanau, kad jis blogas, blogų pilotų buvo Marussia ir Caterham komandose

2014 Gegužės 21 d. 14:05

Kiek statytumėt už tai, kad Maldonado šį savaitgalį bolidą nesudaužys? Na o jei nesudaužys - tai kad nuo Grožano neatsiliks ar bent bus kažkur netoliese? Klausimas retorinis :)

2014 Gegužės 21 d. 15:23

jpuma>> neretorinis atsakymas: statyčiau daugiau nei už Massą (ypač Monake).

2014 Gegužės 22 d. 14:53

Pasak Skysports komentatoriu, Ferrari pasiule A.Newey kontrakta uz 20 milijonu per metus. Taciau RedBull patvirtino kad Newey atnaujins kontrakta su RedBull jau sy savaitgali.

2014 Gegužės 25 d. 14:07

Na ką, 2007 scenarijus.

Lewis Hamilton has declared Senna-like war, as his relationship with teammate Nico Rosberg breaks down spectacularly in Monaco.

The race stewards, including former F1 driver Derek Warwick, looked into whether German Rosberg's mistake in the dying moments of qualifying was in fact deliberate.

They declared there was "no evidence" Rosberg committed "any offence".

But while the stewards deliberated for hours, the controversy filled the air in the otherwise festive Principality, on the eve of the 2014 Monaco grand prix.

Hamilton stopped short of stating clearly that he believes Rosberg made the move on purpose to keep pole. But he came close.

"I was on target," said the Briton. "I should have known that was going to happen."

As for Rosberg saying sorry, Hamilton added: "Why would be apologise? He is on pole."

Beyond their fracturing relationship, the incident on Saturday split the F1 paddock. And as ever at the pinnacle of motor sport, conspiracy theories are rarely in short supply.

"I have to disappoint," said Rosberg. "The data is clear, as the stewards have also confirmed."

He argues it was a simple brake lock-up that caused him to go into the run-off zone and then reverse out.

How the next chapter plays out is now eagerly anticipated. Many are drawing parallels with Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost's bitter battles more than two decades ago.

Hamilton, an unashamed fan of the late Brazilian, is one of them.

"I quite like the way Senna dealt with it," he said on Saturday. Twice, in 1989 and again in 1990, the Senna-Prost rivalry resulted in on-track collisions, and Senna eventually admitted that at least one of them deliberate.

"I think I'll take a page out of Senna's book," Hamilton added.(GMM)

2014 Gegužės 25 d. 14:23

Facepalm. Vaikinas jau nebezino kaip tuo demesiu naudotis. Vis is Sennos mokosi ir patirti perima. He is jus a spoiled kid. Fast driver, but spoiled kid.

2014 Gegužės 25 d. 14:33

Zurnalystu bandomas ispusti burbulas. Ir cia ne gandas, ne i ta tema.

2014 Gegužės 25 d. 15:11

Fernandesas nusprendė parduoti Caterham komandą ir Caterham Cars kompaniją.

2014 Gegužės 25 d. 22:23

T.Wolfas apie ta jo strategija gerai pasake - P1 turi teise rinktis strategija ir boksuose jie magisko rutulio neturi, kada Hamiltonas sugalvos sustoti. Zodziu, padejo i vieta. 2007 are back, tikriaus ir vel kaltas liks Alonso? oh sorry, wrong team, bet kas tada kaltas buvo del 2007?

2014 Birželio 20 d. 12:57

Nuo 2015 metų iš trasos pasitraukus saugos automobiliui nebebus startuojama iš eigos. Visi sustos į starto vietas ir startuos kaip lenktynių pradžioje. FIA šį bei kitus pakeitimus turėtų patvirtinti kitą savaitę Miunchene vyksiančiame posėdyje.

2014 Birželio 27 d. 19:22

Caterham komanda greičiausiai bus parduota ir yra tikimybė, kad nedalyvaus D.Britanjos GP.

2014 Liepos 01 d. 16:22

Ecclestone'as prasitarė, jog po 2016 metų sezono F1 kalendoriuje greičiausiai neliks Monzos ir dar 2 šiuo metu čempionate esančių trasų.

2014 Liepos 01 d. 20:45

bush - šaltinio nurodymas būtų sveikintinas. Nes kol kas skamba kaip visiška spaudos antis. Monza yra labai populiari trasa tarp sirgalių, ten tuščių tribūnų nerasi, tad nelabai suprantu, kaip toks dalykas galėtų įvykti.

2014 Liepos 02 d. 16:42

nieko nuostabaus :D senis nori daugiau babkiu uzkalt ir tiek :D tai pradeda sekt pasakas kaip nutrauks kontrakta tam kad monza daugiau pinigu pamoketu :D simple as that

2014 Liepos 03 d. 17:42

Ferrari su nauju sponsorium :)

2014 Liepos 03 d. 19:41

Mintis: Haas nuo 2016m įžengęs į F-1 turės pasirašęs sutartį dėl Ferrari variklių.
Beje, štai straipsnis apie naują Ferrari sponsorių:

2014 Liepos 09 d. 12:34

Jeigu Raikkonenas negalės dalyvauti Vokietijos GP, tai jį pakeis Jules Bianchi.

2014 Liepos 09 d. 14:07

Ai ir dar...


NICE. :)

2014 Liepos 09 d. 14:33

Čia seno variklio garsas...

2014 Liepos 09 d. 15:07

Tai aišku. :D Bet būtų smagu, kad bent panašiai skambėtų "McLaren" bolidai kitais metais. :)

2014 Liepos 09 d. 15:57

Jei tikėt, tai čia tikrasis garsas naujo variklio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O89LjYmi8vA

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